Remote Data Logging System Homepage

RDLS reads and stores measurements from the Fluke Hydra 2635A. Data can undergo configurable operations including averaging, integrating, differentiating and inter-channel operations, before being displayed and graphed.


Lake Tuggeranong College in Canberra currently run a world class entry in many solar car races throughout the world. RDLS has been created to aid them in their telemetry based strategy system.

RDLS has been constructed in C++ as a 3rd year project at the Australian National University (ANU). Using wxWindows for multi-platform usage. Under GTK (wxGTK), there appears to be a few issues to do with entering values into text boxes which we have not yet been able to resolve.


Check out these these downloads with binaries for win32, and source.


Here is a simple user guide to get you into the system.

More documents such as the requirements spec and design documents should be added shortly (They were written prior!)



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Last modified: Tue Oct 16 16:17:11 EST 2001